Sunday, 26 October 2008

Bonehill Mill - October 18th

Octobers mission saw us return the Bonehill Mill Fishery at Fazely Tamworth. We had fished this the previous summer and the hot weather had dampened its potential. It was a small but perfectly formed turn out of 13 anglers pegged with our backs to the car park from peg 2 onwards.

The match started well for almost everyone except me (Matt walked past and told me everyone had a fish first chuck) - but eventually I managed to get them coming on the T bag at about 60yds - I put 18lbs in the net in the fisrt hour - I know this because I did not have a fish after that hour and weighed in 18lbs!

Gavin to my left seemed to have been catching well (despite losing yet another margin lump after turning down the use of my margin pole) but rumour had already made its way that his brother Gareth had done the business with over 40lbs in the net and Dave Dawe grabbing second place and some coin!!

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